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Vietnam Energy Forum

Implementation of Power Master Plan VIII - Challenges and Policy Suggestions

 - On August 17, 2023, in Ho Chi Minh City. In Ho Chi Minh City, the Committee on Science, Technology and Environment of the Vietnam National Assembly collaboration with the Science Council of Vietnam Energy Review organize a workshop on "Implementation of Power Development Plan VIII - Challenges and Policy Suggestions". Specifically: Session 1: Identifying challenges for the investors of power plants and power grid, Session 2: The important, preference projects and policies, solutions of the State for implementation, Session 3: The policies, solutions on capitals, technologies, and service supply chain.

The Power Development Plan VIII has been approved by the Prime Minister, with many important contents, defining a large number of lists and capacity scales of power source and grid projects, which need a high level of investment capital. The main tasks of Power Development Plan VIII are: To ensure stable and reliable power supply for economic and social development and strongly develop renewable energy sources (renewable energy) towards net emission of greenhouse gas by The main tasks of Power Development Plan VIII are: To ensure stable and reliable power supply for economic and social development and strongly develop renewable energy sources (renewable energy) towards net emission of greenhouse gas by 0 by 2050.

However, many problems are raised:

Firstly: The power industry is experiencing a rapid decline in its ability to supply domestic fuel/primary energy for large power source projects. Second: Many large power projects have been implemented with record slow progress.

Second: Many large power projects have been implemented with record slow progress.

Third: The goal of restructuring the power source towards green, clean and sustainable development, but there are still many challenges due to the lack of necessary legal regulations.

Fourth: The disruption of the technology-financial supply chain for RE development is causing consequences for investors; Power system operation is facing difficulties when the system is not qualified to absorb renewable energy on a large scale. Power system operation is facing difficulties when the system is not qualified to absorb renewable energy on a large scale.

Fifth: The financial balance of the Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) - the enterprise responsible for the electricity industry's main responsibility for ensuring the security of power supply, is under threat.

Sixth: The ability to mobilize capital for investment in power projects is facing many difficulties…

In power projects transitioning from the adjusted Power Plan VII to the Power Plan VIII, there are 4 projects/project chains that have been delayed for many years, including Long Phu 1 coal-fired thermal power plant (1,200 MW), Chain Son My LNG and electricity project (4,500 MW), Block B - O Mon gas and electricity project chain (3,150 MW), Ca Voi Xanh gas and power project chain (3,750 MW). Son My LNG and electricity project (4,500 MW), Block B - O Mon gas and electricity project chain (3,150 MW), Ca Voi Xanh gas and power project chain (3,750 MW). The total capacity of these projects is up to 12,600 MW, accounting for 20% of total thermal power capacity in 2030 and 37% of total construction thermal power capacity (from 2021 to 2030). All of the above projects are facing problems. So, where is the ability to remove it? In Power Plan VIII, the development scale of up to 22,400 MW of LNG power projects from now to 2030 is feasible, while only 2 projects (total capacity of about 2,800 MW) have started, but still have not been started. signed a power purchase agreement (PPA) with EVN? The scale of wind power in 2030 up to 27,880 MW (of which onshore wind power is 21,880 and offshore wind power is 6,000 MW) will also be a challenge when currently only more than 4,000 MW have been put into operation.

The allocation of capacity of wind power sources according to localities, ensuring the harmony between the needs and technical conditions of the whole system with the needs of the localities, from which to select the investor to develop the project. is not an easy problem. The questions are: What measures will be needed to successfully and effectively implement Power Development Plan VIII? What mechanism? How will the plan for each phase up to 2030 be made? What will be the role of industry regulatory agencies and the role of investment enterprises? Workshop "Implementation of Power Development Plan VIII - Challenges and Policy Suggestions" to identify challenges for power source and grid investors, disseminate priority projects, and discuss solutions for the implementation of the state has been planned in the Master Plan. of the state has been planned in the Master Plan. At the same time, discuss and propose appropriate mechanisms and solutions to organize the implementation to ensure the project's progress.

The conference also aims to share development opportunities, equipment, capital solutions, advanced technology, and production and service supply chains necessary for the development of power projects. This is the scientific basis for proposing the promulgation of appropriate policies and laws, organizing the implementation of the Master Plan, in order to ensure national energy security, and implementing Vietnam's international commitments on fighting climate change. The workshop was organized with 3 sessions: Session 1: Identifying challenges for power and grid investors. Session 2: Important projects, priorities and policies and solutions implemented by the State. Session 3: Policy, solutions on capital, technology and service supply chain.

According to the Scientific Council of Vietnam Energy Review: Currently, the Organizing Committee has received many in-depth and quality scientific presentations from state management agencies, corporations, and corporations in the country, international and presentations by investors, construction, operation management, credit granting such as Office of National Steering Committee for Electricity Development, Department of Electricity and Renewable Energy, Institute of Energy volume, Vietnam Electricity, Vietnam Gas Corporation, Vietnam - Russia Joint Venture Vietsovpetro, T&T Group, COP Vietnam on La Gan Wind Power, GELEX GROUP, etc. At this conference, the speakers, Economic and energy experts and scientists will have critical opinions, discuss a number of mechanisms and policies for the development of energy projects in Vietnam and propose solutions.

At the end of the workshop, the Scientific Council of Vietnam Energy Review will have a report summarizing all the arguments, criticisms and recommendations at this forum to propose recommendations to the National Assembly, the Government, and ministries. , relevant sectors consider and promulgate appropriate regulations, and solutions and organize the implementation of Power Development Plan VIII, in order to remove obstacles and difficulties for investors, equipment manufacturers and suppliers. , technology, economic sectors, and Vietnamese and international credit institutions. With the goal of implementing power and energy projects, they are ensuring progress for energy security in the period to 2030, as well as sustainable development and towards the goal of net zero emissions by 2050.

Contact information: Mrs. Le My – MP: +84 94 972 3223, Email:

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