Approval of the Project to restructure The Electricity of Vietnam until the end of 2025

14:33 | 29/10/2024
Deputy Prime Minister Ho Duc Phoc has just signed Decision No. 1271/QD-TTg dated October 25, 2024, approving the Project to Restructure The Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) until the end of 2025 with a total overcome to grow by an average of 7-10%.

EVN organized a training conference on Decree No. 80/2024/ND-CP of the Government regulating the Direct Power Purchase Mechanism
10:42 | 03/08/2024
On the morning of August 1, The Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) organized a training conference on Decree No. 80/2024/ND-CP of the Government regulating the DPPM between renewable energy power generation units and large electricity users. The conference took place in a direct format combined with an online video conference to EVN's corporations.

Proposing pilot options for offshore wind power investment in Vietnam
12:00 | 23/07/2024
Proposing pilot options for offshore wind power investment in VietnamThe Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) has just submitted a report to the Government on implementing pilot research to develop offshore wind power projects. The proposed options are to assign EVN, PVN, or a unit under the Ministry of National Defense. Foreign and private investors only do so after a comprehensive assessment of the pilot projects and the legal document system is completed.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade requested provinces, cities and Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) to implement a direct power purchase agreement (DPPA)
07:03 | 19/07/2024
The Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) has just sent a document to the People's Committees of Provinces, cities and Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) to implement Government Decree 80/2024/ND-CP, dated July 3, 2024, on the DPPA mechanism between the renewable energy generators and large electricity users in the whole country.

Direct electricity trading mechanism and some initial recommendations for relevant parties and units
14:22 | 05/07/2024
The Government issued Decree No. 80/2024/ND-CP dated July 3, 2024 regulating the direct power purchase agreement (DPPA} mechanism between renewable energy generators and large electricity users. Below is the main content of the Decree, along with some initial comments and recommendations from Vietnam Energy Magazine experts.

Promulgating the Plan for Implementing Power Development Planning VIII
09:08 | 03/04/2024
Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha signed the Decision for approving the Vietnam National Power Development Planning in the period 2021-2030 with a vision to 2050 (PDP VIII). The following are some main contents of the PDP VIII.

Regulations on the mechanism to adjust the average retail electricity price (from May 15, 2024)
15:35 | 28/03/2024
Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai signed and promulgated Decision No. 05/2024/QD-TTg regulating the mechanism for adjusting the average retail electricity price (replacing Decision 24/2017/QD-TTg). This decision takes effect from May 15, 2024.

The establishment of the State Steering Committee for important national and key energy projects
15:14 | 24/11/2023
Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh has just signed Decision 1447/QD-TTg dated November 22, 2023, to establish the State Steering Committee for important national and key energy projects.

Conclusion of the Government Permanent on Electricity Supply Solutions in 2024
15:14 | 10/11/2023
The Government Office has just sent the Notice of Conclusion No. 457TB-VPCP of the Government Permanent on solutions to ensure electricity supply in 2024. Below is the main content of the Conclusion.

The Government requested to study the proposal of Vietnam Energy Magazine on Block B - O Mon gas - power chain
14:40 | 15/09/2023
In a report sent to the Prime Minister, the Scientific Council of Vietnam Energy Magazine said: The key of Block B Chain needs an Investment Decision (FID) to deploy the general domestic and international contractor package at the upstream stage, as a basis for the synchronous implementation of component projects in the entire Block B - O Mon project chain, including a pipeline system transporting gas from offshore to O Mon (midstream stage) and power plants in O Mon and Can Tho (downstream stage). After analyzing the necessary and sufficient conditions to have FID, from the downstream side (4 power plants), and the upstream side (Block B project), as well as time pressure and progress, the Scientific Council of Vietnam Energy Review has proposed to the Prime Minister to consider the direct following specific contents:

The Power Development Planning VIII - Discussing to clarify challenges and suggesting mechanisms and policies
13:15 | 23/08/2023
On August 17, 2023, in Ho Chi Minh City, the Committee on Science, Technology and Environment of the Vietnam National Assembly in collaboration with the Scientific Council of Vietnam Energy Review has successfully organized the workshop on "Implementing the Power Development Planning (PDP VIII) - The challenges and policy suggestions".

Implementation of Power Master Plan VIII - Challenges and Policy Suggestions
11:27 | 10/08/2023
On August 17, 2023, in Ho Chi Minh City. In Ho Chi Minh City, the Committee on Science, Technology and Environment of the Vietnam National Assembly collaboration with the Science Council of Vietnam Energy Review organize a workshop on "Implementation of Power Development Plan VIII - Challenges and Policy Suggestions". Specifically: Session 1: Identifying challenges for the investors of power plants and power grid, Session 2: The important, preference projects and policies, solutions of the State for implementation, Session 3: The policies, solutions on capitals, technologies, and service supply chain.

3rd Vietnam Clean Energy Forum on “Development of the gas and wind power infrastructure”
09:47 | 16/05/2023
At the International Convention Center (35 Hung Vuong, Hanoi), the Committee on Science, Technology and Environment of the National Assembly and the Science Council of Vietnam Energy Review have successfully organized the 3rd Vietnam Clean Energy Forum with the theme: "Development of gas and wind power infrastructure in Vietnam". The organizing committee summarizes the main contents of the Forum below for readers' reference.

Adjusting the average retail electricity price from May 4, 2023
11:40 | 05/05/2023
Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) has just decided to adjust the average electricity retail price by VND 1,920.3732/kWh (excluding value added tax - VAT) from May 4, 2023.

Proposing to abrogate and modify a number of Government decisions on wind and SPPs and electricity prices
15:06 | 24/04/2023
The Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) has just sent a document to the Ministry of Justice requesting the review the effectiveness of legal documents of the Government and the Prime Minister.

Building the Law on RE and making the pilot project on direct power purchase agreement in Vietnam
11:22 | 25/03/2023
The Government Office has just announced the conclusion of Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha at a meeting on building the legal framework for renewable energy (RE) and making the draft mechanism for the pilot direct power purchase agreement (DPPA).