RSS Feeds for The conference of coal-fired power plant investors in the Northern region | Tạp chí Năng lượng Việt Nam July 27, 2024 12:58
Vietnam Energy Forum

The conference of coal-fired power plant investors in the Northern region

 - The conference on the operation and production of coal-fired power plants in the Northern region has just been held by Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) on the afternoon of June 19, 2023. There were 24 investors of coal-fired power plants in the Northern region in attendance, including the Power Generation Corporations 1, 2, 3 (EVN member units), Vinacomin Power Corporation, PetroVietnam Power Corporation, BOT investors and the investors of the independent power plants.
The conference of coal-fired power plant investors in the Northern region

Mr. Tran Dinh Nhan - General Director of EVN chairs the conference

According to EVN's report, in recent times, most of the thermal power plants in the Northern region have operated continuously at high capacity for a long time. However, a number of coal power plants have long-term problems or often operate with reduced capacity for many reasons such as equipment failure, coal obstruction, coal does not ensure quality, or old equipment that led to reducing the equipment operating characteristics...

Sharing information at the conference, representatives of investors of thermal power plants in the Northern region highly appreciated that EVN organized the conference so that they could better understand the actual difficulties in the current electricity supply and the investors of coal power plants also affirmed that they are devoting all resources to ensure stable operation of coal power plants and considering this as one of the key tasks in 2023.

With the units having problems or reducing capacity, the units are also focusing on repairing and speeding up the recovery progress. The investors commit to making maximum efforts to soon put power units that are having long-term problems back into operation as soon as possible.

At the conference, Mr. Tran Dinh Nhan – EVN General Director informed that the electricity supply to the Northern region is facing many difficulties and challenges. At the many times moments, it was necessary to reduce electricity to ensure the safety and security of the national power system. The Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and MOIT leaders paid special attention to and gave very close and timely guidance.

Appreciating the efforts of thermal power plants in the Northern region in the recent time, Mr. Tran Dinh Nhan expressed his wish that power generating units inside and outside EVN would best prepare the conditions of readiness and availability of the power units, actively arrange sufficient fuel sources to meet the high mobilization requirements of the power system in order to best prepare the power sources to serve the needs of the socio-economic development and the people's life in the last 6 months of 2023 and the following years.

Electricity is an input resource for the economy. EVN calls for the cooperation of power plants to contribute to ensuring the highest power supply and best quality of electricity for the Northern region as well as for the country.

In particular, the investors of the coal thermal power plants in the Northern region need to increase the frequency of checking and monitoring the operation of on-site equipment for early detection and handling abnormalities, if any, so as not to cause problems. To prepare plans, human resources, materials and equipment at the plant to handle promptly if breakdowns occur, in order to restore the unit's operation as soon as possible, to actively work with coal suppliers to ensure a timely and sufficient supply of fuel for power production.

The conference of coal-fired power plant investors in the Northern region

The total power capacity of EVN and 3 Power Generation Corporations 1, 2, 3 accounts for about 38.4% of the total power capacity of the whole system, the rest is from the other investors.

At present, the total power capacity of EVN and the 3 Power Generation Corporations 1, 2, 3 account for about 38.4% of the total power capacity of the whole system, the rest is from external investors such as BOT investors, independent power plants, and renewable energy plants.

Therefore, besides the efforts of EVN and its member units, the coal power investors outside EVN will play a very important role in ensuring the electricity supply for the country.


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