RSS Feeds for Prime Minister’s Decision No.63/2013/QD-TTg  on Electricity Market Roadmap | Tạp chí Năng lượng Việt Nam April 01, 2025 04:07
Vietnam Energy Forum

Prime Minister’s Decision No.63/2013/QD-TTg on Electricity Market Roadmap

 - The Prime Minister has issued a Decision on the roadmap, conditions and sector structure for establishment and development of power market grades in Vietnam.

Accordingly, Power market shall be established and developed under the sequent orders and grades as follows:

Grade 1 Competitive power generation market. Accordingly, the competitive power generation is continued until the end of 2014

Grade 2 Competitive power bulk market. This grade will be implemented in two phases as pilot competive bulk power market from 2015 to 2016, and full competive bulk power market - from 2017 to 2021

Grade 3 Competitive power retail market. This grade will be implemented also in two phases as pilot competive retail power market from 2022 to 2023, and full competive retail power market from 2024 forword

In order to form competitive bulk market, the power sector structure is required to satisfy two following conditions.

Firstly, at the phase of the pilot bulk market, National Load Dispatch Center and Power market's transaction administrator must be independent units which have no common interests with units participating in the power market.


Power Generation Corporation and power plants under  the Electricity of Vietnam (except big power plants having  special important mean for socio-economy, national defense and security, which managed by State’s monopoly  as stipulated at Article 4 of the Electricity Law) shall be split into independent power generation units which have no common interests with bulk power units, transmission units, National Load Dispatch Center and Power market's transaction administrator.

Total installed capacity of a power generation unit shall not exceed 25% of total installed capacity of units participating in the Power market.

Power corporations and power companies, which sastify above mentioned conditions, selected for participation in the pilot completive bulk market and must have clear separation between the aparatus organization and cost-accounting of power distribution and power retail parts

Secondly, at the phase of the full competitive full market, Power companies under the Power corporations are organized into independent cost-accounting units, which must have clear separation between the aparatus organization and cost-accounting of power distribution and power retail departments.

In order to form competitive bulk market, the power sector structure is required to satisfy two following conditions

1 – At the phase of the pilot competitive retail market, retail departments of several Power companies, which satisfy conditions for participation in the pilot competitive retail market as stipulated must be split into independent cost-accounting power retail units.

2 – At the phase of the complete power retail market, retail department of the power corporation shall be split into independent cost-accounting retailers.

Decision No. 63/2013/QD-TTg dated August 11, 2013.


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