RSS Feeds for The Government requested to continue checking and finalizing the Draft PDP VIII | Tạp chí Năng lượng Việt Nam March 12, 2025 11:39
Vietnam Energy Forum

The Government requested to continue checking and finalizing the Draft PDP VIII

 - The Government Office has just issued an Announce No 308/TB-VPCP on the conclusion of Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) Le Van Thanh at the meeting with the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) about finalizing the Power Development Planning VIII (PDP VIII).

In accordance with the Announce, MOIT as a State Management Agency in charge of Energy should continue checking the Development Planning of Power Plants in a direction to ensure the highest supply-demand balance in the region (North, Center, South), providing reserve capacity for power plants (excluding solar power projects) and accepting the Vietnamese Message at COP26…

Previously, DPM Le Van Thanh worked with MOIT leaders on finalizing PDP VIII to prepare the meetings for consulting opinions of the experts, scientists, managers and localities in accordance with the direction of the Prime Minister.

The Announce of Government Office also informed us that PDP VIII is one of the highly complicated planning projects, concerned by many domestic and foreign companies, experts, scientists and localities in our country. In recent times, many opinions asked to continue finalizing PDP VIII in order to promote the advantage of each region, the tendency of the new technologies and requirements of environmental protection for sustainable development of the power sector and a solid guarantee of the national energy security showed in Politburo Resolution 55.

To carry out the Prime Minister’s direction, DPM Le Van Thanh asked MOIT to make the following tasks:

1/ To continue checking the development of the power plants for the highest ensuring supply-demand balance inside of the region (North, Center, South), combining reasonable and economic use the existing and being constructed power transmission grids for ensuring highest common efficiency.

2/ To more carefully assess optimal and reasonable reserve margin of the national and each regional power systems with accounting situation that the development of power plants could not reach 100% of the PDP VIII.

3/ To assess the reserve capacity for power plants (without accounting solar power plants)

4/ To carefully check planning development for the power plant projects with not high feasibility, that not handed to investor or investor proposed to stop, specially the coal thermal power projects.

5/ To propose suitable solutions, based on studying, accepting the Vietnamese Message at the COP26.

6/ To supplement and clear criteria on defining the key and preferential projects in PDP VIII.

Regarding organizing a conference on PDP VIII consideration, the DPM assigned MOIT to hurry up checking, summarizing opinions of the experts, scientists, domestic and foreign organizations, and localities on the Draft PDP VIII for multi-way listening about planning power plants and power grids; issues of electricity use, electricity tariffs. MOIT should propose the conference participants, prepare the conference contents and agenda for the public, transparent and democratic discussion and exchange.

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