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Vietnam Energy Forum

The electricity tariffs will be adjusted to 3 price steps

 - In the conclusion of a hand over to the next shift of the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT), the Minister Vu Huy Hoang said the electricity tariffs will be soon adjusted from 6 to 3 price steps and come to a single step in future.

Mr. Hoang consider, the current stair electricity tariffs of Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) are very much inadequate due to many different steps with a progressive payment principle  and taking prices at high consumption level to compensate prices at low consumption level, that has not really convinced custemers.

Speaking about the inadequacy of current electricity tariffs, MoIT Deputy Minister Hoang Quốc Vuong remarked that in accordance with the 6 step price structure a customer consuming over 400 kWh has to pay for kWh after 400 at a price higher than the average price for about VND 1000/kWh.

Before that, on the Vietnam Energy Review website, Chairman of the Vietnam Energy Association Tran Viet Ngai already proposed the MoIT, the Electricity Regulation Authority of Vietnam (ERAV) and EVN to study for adjusting the price steps so as more flexible to current tariffs.

According to the MoIT, the electricity tariffs adjusted from 6 to 3 price steps will help to define prices more simply, bring benefits to consumers and manage more effectively as well.

So, MOIT Leaders suggested ERAV to study and review the electricity tariffs and retail prices calculation by the way of a few steps and, especially, abridging different levels between the price steps.

On this occasion, Minister Vu Huy Hoang also directed the relevant organizations to change electricity tariffs to 3 price steps and come to a single price step.

To implement the direction of the MoIT’ Leaders, firstly, ERAV will organize meetings to discuss, consult and study additionally the retail electricity price structure.

According to the report of EVN, due to unusual hot and dry weather from April to June, the electricity consumption growth rate of the whole country increased for over 10% in comparison with the same time of 2014. Among that, the household consumption in respective months increased from 10.3 to 12.19%.

Besides, that the new electricity tariffs had been applied since March 16, 2015 also participated to suddenly increase the payment for the electricity of many households up to 1.5 - 2.0 times for usually.



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