RSS Feeds for The floating SPP on Da Mi hydropower reservoir has been successfully synchronized | Tạp chí Năng lượng Việt Nam February 07, 2025 09:59
Vietnam Energy Forum

The floating SPP on Da Mi hydropower reservoir has been successfully synchronized

 - The Da Nhim – Ham Thuan – Da Mi (DHD) Hydropower Joint Stock Company in cooperation with related units successfully organized synchronization for the floating solar power project on reservoir of Da Mi hydropower plant (HPP) at 13h46 of May 13, 2019.


Solar panels are installed on Da Mi hydropower reservoir.

The floating solar power project on reservoir of Da Mi HPP with a capacity of 47.5 MWp  and an annual average generation of 70 million kWh including 143,940 solar panels installed on an area of 50 ha of Da Mi HPP reservoir in communes as La Ngau (Tanh Linh district) and Da Mi, La da (Ham Thuan Bac district), Binh Thuan province. The project is invested by DHD Joint Stock company with a total investment of nearly 1,500 billion VND.

Unlike solar power projects installed on the roof, or on the ground, the floating project usually has more efficiency due to the difference between solar radiation and water surface is pretty large.

The first phase of the project with a capacity of 20.5 MWp has been successfully synchronized with power system earlier than planned schedule (June 30, 2019) for 48 days already participates in supplementing a clean energy source for Binh Thuan province, in particular and for Southern region, in general.    

DHD HPP Joint Stock Company as an unit of Genco 1 under Electricity of Vietnam, currently manages and operates 4 hydropower plants including: Da Nhim, Ham Thuan and Da Mi and Song Pha with a total capacity of 642.5 MW, an average electricity output of over 2.5 billion kWh per year. This is a unit with much experience in the management, operation, repair and construction investment in the power plants.


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