RSS Feeds for Updating progress of 10 key power plant projects in Vietnam | Tạp chí Năng lượng Việt Nam April 01, 2025 05:18
Vietnam Energy Forum

Updating progress of 10 key power plant projects in Vietnam

 - The Vietnam Energy Magazine's progress update report on key power projects shows that, although there are still difficulties, but almost projects are going on schedule. The latest information on projects at Quang Trach Power Center, O Mon, Dung Quat; hydropower projects (expansion) as Hoa Binh, Ialy, Tri An and Bac Ai pump-storage hydropower, details are as follows:


1 / The projects at Quang Trach Power Center:

-For Quang Trach 1 Thermal Power Project (2x600 MW): On October 7, 2020, the EVN Power Project Management Board 2 - EVNPMB2 opened the EPC tender package. As planned the project will be started for construction in December 2020 and completed in 2024.

-For Quang Trach 2 project (2x600 MW): At present, the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) is presiding over to complete appraising report for submitting it to Prime Minister for approving investment policy. As planned, the project would be started for construction in 2022 and completed in 2026.

2/The projects at O Mon Electricity Center

For the projects in this center, PM has approved the mechanism on transverse transfer of Block B gas price to electricity price and the power projects will make exclusive consumption for Block B gas.

-For O Mon 4 project (1050 MW), EVN should balance project completion in synchronizing with progress in upstream and midstream of Block B gas project, and project expects to be started for construction in the second quarter of 2021 and completed at the end of 2023.

-For O Mon 3 project (1050 MW), Due to the problem on the competence level to approve project investment policy, on September 22, 2020, the Government Office informed the conclusion of Deputy PM Pham Binh Minh to assign MPI, the organization is presiding over O Mon 3 project PFS appraisal in coordination with relevant ministries and agencies to study and report to PM competence level for approving project investment policy. The investor strives to start the project in 2022 and complete it in 2025.

3/ The projects at Dzung Quat Electricity Center: The Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) has informed appraising results on basic designs of two Dzung Quat 1 & 3 projects (2x750 MW each). At present, the Power Project Management Board 1 is correcting and supplementing documents of projects according appraising recommendations of MOIT for reporting EVN to submit the Committee for Management of State Capital at Enterprises. As planned, the project will be started for construction in 2022 and completed in 2025.

4/The extended hydropower projects (HPP):

- Hoa Binh HPP (2x240 MW): EVN has approved the technical design and estimate for the project and published bidding document for the main construction package. The investor in coordination with relevant units is carrying out site clearance and compensation. The project expects to be started at the end of 2020 and completed in 2024.

-Yaly HPP (2x180 MW): EVN has submitted MOIT for approving the technical design, and is explaining and completing issues according to requirements of the Appraising Council. The project expects to be started in the second quarter of 2021, and completed in 2024.

-Tri An HPP (200 MW): After approving investment policy of Dong Nai Provincial People’s Committee, EVN already prompted to implement surveying activities and establishing project feasibility study, and strives to start constructing project in 2022 and complete it in 2025.

-Bac Ai pump-storage HPP (1200 MW): At present, the contractors are constructing concrete elements in the first phase as reaching 66% volume. The first phase expects to be completed by April 2021 in synchronizing with the schedule for water storage on Song Cai reservoir.

The second phase of the project including all the remaining items is also very urgently deploying with a progress to fully make the technical design of the second phase in April 2021.



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