RSS Feeds for National Energy Efficiency  Industry Award 2017 | Tạp chí Năng lượng Việt Nam February 12, 2025 20:53
Vietnam Energy Forum

National Energy Efficiency Industry Award 2017

 - On 20 November in Hanoi, Viet Nam’s first Viet Nam Energy Efficiency in Industry Award 2017 was officially launched. The Award is part the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (4E) Project, implemented by the Department of Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Development of MoIT and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

Mr. Do Huu Hao, Head of Vietnam Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency Association

Speaking at the launch, Mr Do Huu Hao, Chairman of Vietnam Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency Association, says, ” Industry plays an important role in promote economic development. The sector also has much higher energy consumption comparing with other sectors.  The objective of the award is to provide recognition to local industrial companies companies that had outstanding results in saving energy and promote successfull energy efficiency solutions. It also aims at raising awarenes of business communities across the country on energy efficiency”.

According to Mr. Hao, nowadays, the level of energy wasted in industrial production in Viet Nam is still quite high, while energy saving potential is estimated at 20% - 30%. This leads to increased production cost, and reduces the competitiveness of the product. 

"One of the measures for companies to keep the production cost low is to apply technologies which are highly energy efficient and carry out solutions to save energy in the whole production process”, Mr. Hao emphasizes.

The Award does not only aim at raising awareness and responsibility of companies nationwide about energy saving and energy efficiency, but also helps companies to promote their brands. It is also an initiative to promote successful practices in energy efficiency and savings. It is a platform for companies to learn from each other and to exchange about energy saving solutions, which will contribute to the sustainable development.

Ms. Sonia Lioret – Head of GIZ’s Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (4E)

According to Ms. Sonia Lioret, Head of GIZ’s Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (4E), this award will be an annual event on national scale and aims to increase the awareness and commitment to energy efficiency across different industrial sectors. Eligible participants are companies who are carrying out energy cost saving, efficient resource management and environment-friendly production models.

“Renewable energy and energy efficiency project (4E project) supports several energy efficiency initiatives for promoting clean energy in industrial sector in Vietnam. “We support the review of existing  legal documents on energy audits, the development of the energy audit handbook and the work to improve the national energy efficiency database as well as the implementation of Pilot Energy Efficiency network in Vietnam”, said Ms. Sonia Lioret, Head of GIZ’s 4E project.

The award, which is organized by Vietnam Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency Association with the support from GIZ, will be running from 20 November 2017 until end of January 2018.

All Industrial enterprises operating in Viet Nam, that have an annual energy consumption from 300 TOE (which is equivalent to 2.000.000 kWh electricity/year) and carried out Energy Efficiency solutions from 2011 to 2016 are eligible to apply.

As part of the Award, National Winners will be defined in two categories including (1) Best energy efficiency solutions and (2) Original and Innovation energy efficiency solutions. 

The Winners, who will be announced in February the end of January 2018, will be able to receive Certificate from the Ministry of Trade and Industry/VECEA.


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