RSS Feeds for Powering the shunt reactor at Vung Ang 500 kV transformer substation | Tạp chí Năng lượng Việt Nam April 01, 2025 05:20
Vietnam Energy Forum

Powering the shunt reactor at Vung Ang 500 kV transformer substation

 - Power Transmission Company No.3 (PTC3) in coordination with related units has put into operation the shunt reactor of 500 kV - 128 MVAr - KH591 at the Vung Ang 500kV transformer substation (TS).


Powering action

According to the National Electricity Transmission Corporation (EVNNPT), this is one of the six shunt reactors of the project "To equip shunt reactors on the 500 kV grid" invested by EVNNPT with the installation size of 6 shunt reactors by capacity of 128 MVAr each, and relevant equipment connected to the 500 kV bar system at  500 kV TS: Cau Bong, Song May, Di Linh, Dak Nong, Pleiku 2 and Vung Ang.

After powering and successfully putting into operation, the shunt reactor KH591 of Vũng Áng 500 kV TS has brought into play efficiency of the project as the bus-bar voltage at 500 kV Vung Ang TS always stable in the permitted voltage range.

Previously, the Power Transmission Company 3 has in turn powered the 500 kV - 128 MVAr shunt reactors at 500 kV Di Linh, Pleiku 2 and Dak Nong transformer substations.

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