RSS Feeds for EVN-SEC committed to speed up the progress of Thermal Electricity Power Plans Quang Ninh and Vinh Tan 2 | Tạp chí Năng lượng Việt Nam March 13, 2025 02:35
Vietnam Energy Forum

EVN-SEC committed to speed up the progress of Thermal Electricity Power Plans Quang Ninh and Vinh Tan 2

 - According to Vietnam Electricy (EVN), in the framwork of China - Vietnam - Laos Electricity Sectors Summit held from 24th to 29th in China, EVN and Shanghai Electricity Cooperation (SEC) had a meeting and signed an agreement to remove unsolved problems and make a consistence of measures to speed up the progress of Thermal Electricity power projects Quang Ninh and Vinh Tan 2.


Today, compared to the anticipations, the process speed of projects of Thermal Electricity Power Plans Quang Ninh and Vinh Tan 2 is in excess of 4 months to nearly 2 years. Estimated objectively, the reasons for this are originated from both sides, for instance, the Contractor SEC lacks of human resources, machines and equipments; the management and supply the alternative materials and equipments. Problems for Labour Liscenses for Foreigners in Vietnam have not been resolved. The contractors have had no essential experiences in opening and checking the files of inspectations. Also, there have been difficulties in handing over interior building. That the geology changed vis-à-vis former expectations leads to the design's changes. The global financial crisis causes the increase in the cost of materials as well as that of construction and hiring subordinating contractors faces with challenges...

At the meeting, President of Member Council EVN Hoang Quoc Vuong stated that EVN committed to ensure the possible conditions to best coordinate with the contractors. Particularly, they are paying for contractors at fixed date, supplying electricity stationarily for experiments, ensurance for effective adjustment, concretedly considering reasonable arising costs, proactively assisting SEC to extend credit; simplizing procedures to push up the speed of payment...

Additionally, EVN requested the contractor SEC to not only quickly look for measures to solve existing subjective problems, but also strengthen human resources, especially the specialists who are expertised at experiments and adjustments to ensure the speed of progress and the qualities of aforementioned projects. Particularly, regarding serious anticipations of electricity supply for the Southern areas in dry season in 2014, it is urgent for a set of machines of the Thermal Power Plan project Vinh Tan 2 to be operated with due progress in April, 2014.

Mr. Cao Min- Deputy General Manager of SEC said that Thermal Electricity Power Project Quang Ninh triggered the cooperation between two groups, as well as represented the first project of SEC in Vietnam, therefore confusing legal and procedural problems are unavoidable... Now SEC is striving to overcome the difficulties and increase tultimately the materials, equipments and human resources to meet the demands of EVN to ensure new progress of projects. In this factual aspect, SEC will have more experiences for the project of Vinh Tan 2 and the following projects.

First of all, in order to make sure that the arising problems can be dealt with in time, the investors and SEC agree to have a senior executive handover meeting in construction sites one time per month. Besides, the internal mechanism will  regularly convene to learn by experiences to develop the projects. Now SEC is gathering all sources of labours, sending enthusiastic and efficient officers to join experiments and adjustments in construction sites. Also, SEC will overcome technical problems to inspect officially and be adequate to extend the guarantee time for turbine bearing and guarantee the safe and effective operation of the machinary set...

 In the commitment, EVN and SEC agree to closely cooperate to timely solve the problems to secure the progress of the projects and achieve the set goals. Future opportunitites to be in partnership with the other will be continuous, especially the fields that SEC has strong competion ability: invest and develop electricity sources, develop new energy, renewable energy, contribute shares with electricity suppliers and electricity market in Vietnam...   

Projects of Thermal Electricity Power Plant Quang Ninh 1 ( 2x300 MW) and Quang Ninh 2 (2x300 MW))

- Investor: EVN

-General Contractor: SEC  

- Construction Site: Ha Khanh Ward, Ha Long city, Quang Ninh Province

- Value of the invite bid EPC Quang Ninh 1: over $US 452.4 million. EVN disbursed more than 95% of the value of the contract

- Value of the invite bid EPC Quang Ninh 2: approximate $US 418.6 million. EVN disbursed more than  89% the value of the contract

Project of Thermal Electricity Power Plant  Vinh Tan 2 (2x60 MW)

- Investor :EVN

- General Contractor: SEC

- Value of the invite bid: Vinh Tan Ward, Tuy Phong District, Binh Thuan.

- Total value of the contract: over $US 1.384 million

- The progress : set 1 of machinery synchronized on January, 15, 2014, expects have reliability trial  from April 1st to May 1st, 2014; set 2 expects to synchronize before July 7th2014 and starts to reliability trial in September 10th 2014.

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