RSS Feeds for Power Machines with a new vision into the electricity market of Vietnam | Tạp chí Năng lượng Việt Nam March 29, 2025 09:51
Vietnam Energy Forum

Power Machines with a new vision into the electricity market of Vietnam

 - Cooperation relationship between Power Machines (Russian Federation) and Vietnam began more than a half century ago with the delivery of three generators for Thac Ba hydraulic power plant, which was the country's most powerful one for a long time. Then came the turn of Uong Bi and Pha Lai thermal power plants, as well as Tri An and Hoa Binh hydraulic power plants.

A turbine production factory of Power Machines.

Power Machines is a global power engineering company – one of the world’s top-ten industry leaders in terms of installedequipment volume. It has developed a wealth of experience and expertise in the engineering, design, manufacturing and supply of equipment sets for thermal, nuclear and hydro power plants.

In the early 2000s, Power Machines came back to the Vietnamese market as participant of two hydraulic power plant projects: Ialy and Can Don. Contracts for construction of Se San 3 hydraulic power plant and the second stage of Uong Bi thermal power plant helped to consolidate success.

The total capacity of the power units and hydroelectric sets produced by Power Machines and installed in Vietnam until today amounts to more than 4.5 thousand MW – about 15% of the country's present power capacities.

In 2015 signing a contract for construction of the 1,200 MW Long Phu-1 power plant became a key milestone in the history of Vietnamese power sector partnership with Power Machines. The power plant is to be launched in 2019, and its guarantee period will amount to two years afterwards. The Long Phu-1 thermal power plant means moving to a new level of cooperation with Vietnam: an international consortium consisting of Power Machines and Vietnam's PTCS corporation acts as EPC contractor in this project. Power Machines is the leader of this consortium.

The total capacity of the power units and hydroelectric sets produced by Power Machines and installed in Vietnam until today amounts to more than 4.5 thousand MW – about 15% of the country's present power capacities.

Since the early 2000’s, there is Power Machines Representative office in Ha Noi. Today it is a large-scale center with a front office for expanding commercial activity and entry into new markets with the whole Power Machines product range.It takes part in industry specific events, supervises current projects, and renders all kinds of assistance to partners and customers on various matters.

“We set ambitious goals for ourselves such as: coordination of the company's activities in the region, promotion of the whole product range, analyzing the opportunities of cooperation and localization”, says Anastasia Kozlova, Director for Representative Office.

She also said that, one of our traditional activities at the Power Machines Client Conference that will held this year in Ha Noi. We invite our partners and clients to visit this special event on September 6, 2017.

According to the Director for Representative Office, the Conference aims to show the range of the company’s products encompasses cutting-edge, highly-efficient solutions for thermal, nuclear and hydro power plants, integrated power grids, industry and transport as well.

On the other hand, the Power Machines’ speakers will demonstrate a company’s core competency and competitive advantage in all the spheres of power engineering industry and present our vision of development in Vietnam Region.

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