RSS Feeds for The present ceremony of Vietnam Energy Partner Group | Tạp chí Năng lượng Việt Nam March 12, 2025 08:47
Vietnam Energy Forum

The present ceremony of Vietnam Energy Partner Group

 - On June 21, 2017, in Hanoi, the European Union (EU) Delegation to Vietnam and Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) held the present ceremony of Vietnam Energy Partner Group (VEPG) with the participation of more than hundred of representatives from Vietnam government agencies and organizations of development partners, finance, private sector and NGO. This is an opportunity for development partners and MOIT to exchange viewpoints on development of energy sector in Vietnam.

Speaking at the ceremony, MOIT Minister Tran Tuan Anh said: “Consultations between development partners and Vietnam government agencies recently have affirmed the need to found VEPG. The foundation of VEPG will create a deeper and closer cooperation mechanism speeding up attraction of the resources and strengthening efficiency in high level consultations on policies, contributing to support Vietnam in implementation of energy security targets, socio – economic development, and national efforts and international commitments on sustainable development”.

Leader of EU Delegation to Vietnam, Ambassador Bruno Angelet said: “Sustainable energy development is the key target of Vietnam economy, and EU strongly commits to try hard to help Vietnam to solve this challenge for achieving a more green economy through the sustainable energy”.

Then, Ambassador Bruno Angelet and Minister Tran Tuan Anh signed the Protocol on an uninterrupted cooperation forwards to a sustainable and effective energy sector in Vietnam. On the occasion, EU with Germany, Denmark, Finland and, Belgium, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Slovakia, Span, United Kingdom and Vietnamese government have signed the Joint Statement on strengthening cooperation in sustainable energy sphere in order to reconfirm EU strong support for Vietnam to achieve sustainable development targets (SDTs) No7: “Guaranteeing energy access to reasonable prices, reliability, sustainability and modern way for everyone”, and No13: “To take  the urgent measures against climate change and its impacts” adopted in UN Summit Conference on sustainable development on September 25, 2015 as well as implementing Vietnam’s intended nationality determined contribution (INDC) sent to United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and Paris Agreement on Climate Change effected from November 4, 2016.

This Joint Statement will support commitments of Vietnam in effective supplying energy of high quality for social development, diversifying investment and energy business models; developing a competition energy market; promoting development of renewable energy projects and efficient energy using.

The targets of the Joint Statement:

1. Strengthening dialogue between relevant sides to make considerable contribution to a sustainable energy sector through promoting development of clean renewable energy and effective sources for everyone.

2. Providing technical assistance for Vietnamese  government to achieve the targets presented in the national strategies, adjusting optimally policies, promoting and preparing relevant capacity reinforce as defining needs for innovation and conversion of clean energy technologies with focusing renewable energy sector.

3. Assisting to define and introduce potential energy projects which could be financed by supports of developed partners to improve the supply and access of people to low carbon modern energy services.

4. Supporting to enhance accessibility to solutions of grid-off power supply.

5. Strengthening to mobilize private sector, associates and NGO to contribute to energy sector through organizing business forums, industrial refresher courses and strategy capacity building activities in order to provide information and attract private sector and financial organizations forwards activities to invest in sustainable energy in Vietnam.

The targets of Vietnamese government:

1. Creating a favorable legal environment for development of a modern and sustainable energy sector with a considerable contribution of renewable energy to general energy supply structure.

2. Guiding and regulating dialogs in this sector through a steering energy program with ensuring transparency of the information related to funding and preparing the projects in this sector.

3. Continuing to carry out the reforms on regulations and laws, building a suitable environment to promote private investment in energy sector and stimulating gradual drawing out subsidies which deform markets and intended for fossil fuels, and at the same time supporting business models with economic efficience.

4. Promoting the greater transparency in implementing public investment program and ensuring an enough long preparing term for the projects contributed to this program.

5. Promoting to use sustainable energy technologies and effective energy solutions with a target to limit the negative impacts to climate and environment from energy production and use.

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