RSS Feeds for Approving the plan for "electricity supply and operation of the national power system" in 2023 | Tạp chí Năng lượng Việt Nam April 01, 2025 05:36
Vietnam Energy Forum

Approving the plan for 'electricity supply and operation of the national power system' in 2023

 - Considering proposals of the Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) on supplementing the electricity system operation plan in 2023 and according to the proposal of the Electricity Regulatory Authority, the Ministry of Industry and Trade has just approved the "plan for electricity supply and operation of the national power system in 2023”. The Vietnam Energy Magazine would like to raise the content of this Decision for the reference of our readers.

Plan for electricity supply and operation of the national power system in 2023:

1/ The total electricity generation of the power plants (at the generator terminals) and imported by the whole country in 2023 will be 284.5 billion kWh, of which 137.1 billion kWh in the dry season and 147.4 in the rainy season.

2/ Basic input parameters for planning electricity supply and power system operation in 2023 include: GDP growth rate, and the sale of electricity in 2023 are determined in Appendix 1 issued with the Decision.

3/ Actual electricity trading generation of the power plants (according to the power purchase agreement, and electricity price plan) will be determined according to relevant regulations on electricity prices and the electricity market. The electricity generation units are responsible for proactively carrying out the preparation for power generation, including the available capacity of the aggregates and garaging sufficient primary fuel sources (coal, gas, oil) for monthly power generation in 2023.

4/ The Electricity of Vietnam is fully responsible for the accuracy, reasonableness and validity of input data/parameters and the results for calculating the electricity supply and power system operation plan in 2023 to ensure compliance with the commitments in the commercial contracts/trading agreements on the concluded power purchase agreements (PPA), fuel supply, especially commercial contracts/agreements with power plant projects invested in the form of build-operate-transfer (BOT).

At the same time, EVN is fully responsible in the event of a dispute according to the committed terms, or in raising the legal and financial obligations, unfavorable to the Vietnamese side.

Implementation organization:

1/ For Electricity of Vietnam (EVN):

- Promoting the leading role, taking main responsibility in ensuring electricity supply for socio-economic development and people's daily life with good quality, stability, reliability, and safety.

- Promptly report to competent authorities to solve issues beyond their competence.

- Monitoring and continuously updating the actual changes of electrical loads, and the conditions of operating the power system and the electricity market, for ensuring safe, stable and reliable operation and electricity supply for the national power system in 2023.

In case of abnormal impacts on the electricity supply security, promptly report it to the Ministry of Industry and Trade for consideration and direction.

- Directing subordinate units to prepare plans for ensuring electricity supply during holidays, Tet and major political and cultural events in 2023.

- Formulating a method of rationally operating and mobilizing power plants (including renewable energy projects) in the national power system for ensuring sufficient electricity supply on the basis of transparency, justice, and cost optimization for the whole system, that is suitable to the technical infrastructure conditions of the power grid and regulations.

2/ For the Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (PVN):

- Directing the direct units to strictly ensure the priority of gas supply for power generation.

- Closely coordinating with the field owners, investors of gas power plants and EVN to deploy solutions during the gas supply, prioritizing gas mobilization for electricity generation to meet electricity consumption demand, ensuring the optimal efficiency of the gas-electricity chain and national interests.

- Strengthening effective coordination with relevant units, for strictly implementing commitments in the signed fuel purchase, sale and supply contracts/agreements.

3/ For the Vietnam Coal and Mineral Industries Group (Vinacomin)and the Northeast Corporation:

- Proactively making production plans to ensure the priority of providing adequate and continuous coal, with the right quantity, quality and type for coal-fired thermal power plants according to the signed contract terms to ensure electricity generation in 2023.

- Continuing to effectively perform the tasks assigned by the Prime Minister in Directive No. 29/CT-TTg dated December 2, 2019, on strengthening the state management in the coal production and business activities and coal supply for power generation.

- Strengthening the effective coordination with relevant units for organizing the strict implementation of commitments in the signed fuel purchase and supply contract/agreement.

4/ For investors of thermal power plants:

- Continuing to effectively carry out the assigned targets by the Prime Minister in Directive No. 29/CT-TTg dated December 2, 2019 on strengthening the state management on coal production and business activities and coal supply for electricity generation.

- Responsible for arranging primary fuel sources for supply during the operation of the plant.

- Regularly reviewing and calculating the demand for using primary fuel for electricity generation for developing and implementing a plan to ensure a sufficient and stable supply for the operation of the power plant.

- Strengthening the inspection and reinforcing the equipment, overcoming defects to ensure improved operational reliability and power generation capacity of generating aggregates.

5/ For Departments of Industry and Trade of the provinces and central cities:

- Coordinating with the Power Corporations and local Electricity Companies to strengthen propaganda for implementing Directive No. 20/CT-TTg dated May 7, 2020, of the Prime Minister on strengthening electricity saving in the period of 2020 - 2025 and organizing, supervising the implementation of electricity saving by the local electricity customers.

- Advising the Provincial People's Committees to develop plans and direct the Power Corporations, Electricity Companies of provinces and central cities to effectively implement the National Program on the demand side management (DSM) approved by the Prime Minister in Decision No. 279/QD-TTg dated March 8, 2018.

- Supervising the Power Corporation, the local Electricity Company in the implementation of power supply, handling customer complaints

6/ For the Petroleum and Coal Department:

- Urging and directing PVN to closely coordinate with the field owners, investors of the gas power plants, and EVN to study and propose solutions in the process of implementing the gas supply and mobility for power generation for ensuring the optimum efficiency of the gas-electricity chain and national interests.

- Presiding over to solve through issues related to distributing gas sources according to the principle of harmonizing the interests of consumers, ensuring enough gas for power generation.

- Urging and directing coal suppliers and investors of coal-fired power plants to strictly implement the contents and tasks assigned in Directive No. 29/CT-TTg dated December 2, 2020 of the Prime Minister on strengthening the state management over coal production and business activities and coal supply for electricity generation.

- Directing Vinacomin and Dong Bac Corporation to develop a plan to ensure coal supply for power plants on the principle of long-term stability.

7/ For the Department of Energy Saving and Sustainable Development:

- Presiding and coordinating with the Electricity and Renewable Energy Authority, the Electricity Regulatory Authority and the Department of Petroleum and Coal to carry out the tasks assigned by the Ministry of Industry and Trade in Directive No. 20/CT-TTg dated 7 May 2020 of the Prime Minister on enhancing electricity saving in the period of 2020 - 2025.

- Strengthening, promoting and closely coordinating with the Departments of Industry and Trade of the provinces and central cities to implement the National Program on Energy and Electricity saving and efficient use programs and projects in the country to contribute to ensuring electricity supply in 2023.

8/ For The Electricity and Renewable Energy Authority:

- Closely monitoring and supervising the obligation to comply with the terms/commitments of the relevant units in the commercial contracts/agreements of power plant projects invested in the form of the Build – Operation - Transfer (BOT).

- Handling with its competence and immediately reporting to the competent authorities any arising issues, absolutely not to arise legal and financial obligations that are unfavorable to the Vietnamese side.

- Monitoring, supervising and promptly solve raising issues with their competence, or proposing to solve problems in implementing investment and construction of power plant and grid projects for ensuring the progress of stable operation of power plants and transmission grids for ensuring electricity supply of the national power system in 2023 and the following years.

9/ For the Office of the National Steering Committee for Electricity Development:

Updating, reviewing and urging the power plant and grid projects, especially power plant projects in Appendix 2 issued together with this Decision, to ensure the operation meets the approved schedule contributes to ensuring electricity supply for the national power system in 2023 and the following years.

10/ For Electricity Regulatory Authority:

- Organizing inspection, monitoring and urging the units for ensuring safe, stable and reliable operation and power supply for the national power system, especially on holidays, Tet, and important political-cultural events in 2023.

- Directing, inspecting and periodic monitoring the implementation of the power supply plan of EVN, EVNNPT, power generating units and Power Corporations in 2023, especially in the dry season months.

- Directing, and supervising the implementation of programs on DSM and load adjustment to contribute to ensuring a stable and reliable power supply of the national power system.

- Regularly monitoring the balance of supply and demand of the national power system. Reporting and proposing to the Ministry of Industry and Trade solutions for direction and management or other necessary solutions.

Below are the input parameters for calculating the power supply plans, power system operation and the list and progress of new power plants in 2023:

Appendix 1: The input parameters for the calculation of the electricity supply and power system operation plan in 2023:


Input parameters



Expected nationwide commercial electricity in 2023

251.28 billion kWh


GDP growth rate in 2023


Appendix 2: The list and progress of new power plants in 2023 (unit - MW):


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