RSS Feeds for Executing gender equity and women development at Da Mi solar power project | Tạp chí Năng lượng Việt Nam March 10, 2025 14:49
Vietnam Energy Forum

Executing gender equity and women development at Da Mi solar power project

 - Executing commitment as specified at Loan Agreement with ADB to implement Da Mi solar power project, on 31 August 2020, DHD cooperated with Women Union of Ham Thuan Bac district to organize a training course related to gender equity and health care for women and children at Da Mi and La Da communes, Ham Thuan Bac district, Binh Thuan province. There were around 70 participants representation for 50 households, who were impacted by land acquisition to build 110kV transmission lines of Da Mi solar power project, participated in the course.

Mrs. Truong Thi Muoi - Deputy president of Ham Thuan Bac’s Women Union

At the course, Mrs. Truong Thi Muoi, Deputy president of Ham Thuan Bac’s Women Union, introduced basic knowledge related to gender equity and family violence to help participants understand more about women’s role in the modern society. In some years recently, there were many female leaders in the world and in Vietnam have executed their responsibilities perfectly. The trend of choosing female leaders has proved that women’s position and role have improved recently and women totally can undertake duties that normally used to assign for man before.

Training course at Da Mi commune

The course also announces children are facing with sexual harassment and sexual abuse as a social problem. Therefore, children need basic knowledge to recognize sexual situation and method to defend effectively. The training course help trainees to understand well about adults responsibility in children protection, personal safety rules, necessary activities to protect children and relevant authorities to ask for help in case of suspecting that a child is at risk of abuse or is being abused. 

Introduction of crop structure changing at La Da commune

Together with knowledge of gender equity and health care for women and children, the training course also provided to local resident technical knowledge of crop structure changing to increase efficiency in agriculture activities at this area. The officer from the Center of Agriculture Technical Services of Ham Thuan Bac district introduced technical of planting cashew and coffee trees to help participant understand more about planting techniques and pest control for these two kinds of tree.  

Da Mi solar power plant project (47,5MWp), which DHD is the Project Owner, was implemented in Da Mi and La Da communes, Ham Thuan Bac district and La Ngau commune of Tanh Linh district, Binh Thuan province. During construction stage, several local labors was recruited to work at the project which contribute of handling work demand at this area. For along time, DHD company has carried out its social activities, community relation and cooperated with local government to support the poor families to improve their living condition. This training course was organized by DHD and Ham Thuan Bac’s Women Union aims to help women to understand well their position in the family and in the society so that they can improve their life for more happiness. 


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