RSS Feeds for Song Hau 1 thermal power plant is closely operated in accordance with the new progress milestone | Tạp chí Năng lượng Việt Nam April 01, 2025 04:26
Vietnam Energy Forum

Song Hau 1 thermal power plant is closely operated in accordance with the new progress milestone

 - Information from Song Hau 1 Petroleum Power Project Management Board (under Vietnam Oil and Gas Group - PVN) said: As of March 15, 2021, the construction of Song Hau 1 thermal power project (TPP – 1200 MW) reaches a cumulative progress about 95.78% including construction of 98.12%, design of 99.91%, procurement of 99.91% and test of 74.85%.


The project expects to be put into commercial operation by the December 2021 (the unit 1 by October 2021 and unit 2 by December 2021). Up to now, the contracts for coal, oil and limestone supply and for slag, ash and plaster underwriting have been completed. However, there are still a number of problems and difficulties related to the cash flow payment, temporary payment for the domestic construction contractors and to approving norms and unit prices applicable to Song Hau 1 TPP.

According to the assessments of the energy  experts, there were following reasons leading to behind schedule of Song Hau 1TPP:

Firstly: Due to the handling problems in selecting the Desulfurization System (FGD) supplier.

Secondly: the slow progress for constructing the 500 kV Song Hau – Duc Hoa line (although EVN has built a 22 kV line for temporary supplying TPP test running but capacity of this line was not enough for the work.

Thirdly: The prolonging progress for appraising, agreeing the norms - unit prices. The norms- unit prices were submitted by PVN to the Ministry of Construction and Ministry of Industry and Trade but prolonging consideration and promulgation caused difficulties for payment for the contractors to implement the following works.

Fourthly: The capacity of a number of subcontractors can’t  meet the requirements, leading to a shortage of manpower, construction machinery, equipment and materials.

Fifthly: The previous operation of the Project Management Board was confused, lacking experience and dealing passively with supervising and speeding up the detail plans.

Despite facing many difficulties and challenges, but at present, the project progress is being closely managed by the PVN in accordance with the new progress milestone, so it is to ensure that the Song Hau 1 TPP will be completed according to Resolution 69 / 2019 / NQ-CP of the Government.

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