RSS Feeds for Vietnam Plan for implementation of the Paris Agreement | Tạp chí Năng lượng Việt Nam March 26, 2025 13:17
Vietnam Energy Forum

Vietnam Plan for implementation of the Paris Agreement

 - The Prime Minister (PM) has issued a plan to implement the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and asked the Ministry of Finance to allocate the budget for the ministries, agencies and localities to deploy the activities in accordance with the schedule and requirements stated in the Plan.

The five main task groups of the Plan: (1) Mitigate greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), (2) Adapt to climate change, (3) Prepare resources, (4) Establish the open and transparent information systems, and (5) Build and improve the policies and institutions.

With the task group of mitigating GHG emissions, the Ministries of  Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE), Planning and Investment (MPI), Industry and Trade (MOIT), Transport (MOT), Construction (MOC), Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) and relevant organizations to inventory GHG periodically in the basic years as 2014, 2016, 2018 and evaluate Vietnam's efforts in mitigating GHG emissions to update Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and participate in the global effort assessment in 2018.

To complete implementation of mitigating GHG emissions in sectors of industry, transportation, construction, agriculture and rural development with an aim to implement NDC suitable with the national conditions on the basis of periodical global efforts evaluation  in 2025 and 2030.

The ministries, agencies, localities and enterprises assigned to preside to implement activities for mitigating GHG emissions suitable with the national conditions. This task will be finished by 2030.

For the task group to adapt climate, MONRE, MARD, MPI, MOF, MOC and Provincial authorities assigned to preside over to finish establishing National Adaption Plan (NAP) by 2019.

The ministries of Natural Resources and Environment, Agriculture and Rural Development, Health, Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs, Finance, Public Security; Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology; and insurance agencies assigned to preside over to assess the risk levels and vulnerable properties by climate change, define needs of adaptation and solving problems related to losses and damages...


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