RSS Feeds for The mechanisms to support the solar power development | Tạp chí Năng lượng Việt Nam February 23, 2025 06:27
Vietnam Energy Forum

The mechanisms to support the solar power development

 - Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) Hoang Trung Hai asked the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT) to study perfecting the mechanisms to support the solar power development.

DPM asked the MoIT to clarify the mechanism for selling electricity from a solar photovoltaic (PV) system installed on the roof by the method of balance one another between the solar PV electricity generation and electricity consumption from the network (Net-metering method) with clear defining the responsibilities for investing the bidirectional meter and appropriate procedures to encourage people to self-invest and participate in the Net-metering.

DPM has agreed with the proposal of MoIT on tax privilege for solar PV projects; and do not consider them as objects,  inheriting the state privilege investment credit.

DPM asked the MoIT to review the current regulations of the legal documents on the land, propose the concrete assistances and privileges on the land from the state for encouraging the solar power development.

Regarding the electricity prices, the DPM agreed to define the prices of solar PV projects by the costs calculation. DPM also required to review and add the calculations of investment costs for solar PV projects with different concrete conditions (capacity, solar radiation, with or without  batteries, connecting with network or not...), and propose  electricity prices consistent with the goal of encouraging the solar power development.

Deputy Prime Minister assigned the Ministry of Industry and Trade to accelerate progress of establishing and completing the mechanisms for assistance to the solar power development, and submit the report to the Prime Minister in June 2015.

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