RSS Feeds for The situation of production activities in April and the plan for May 2024 for Electricity of Vietnam | Tạp chí Năng lượng Việt Nam April 01, 2025 05:41
Vietnam Energy Forum

The situation of production activities in April and the plan for May 2024 for Electricity of Vietnam

 - The report updating the production and business activities of EVN informed that in April 2024 the electricity demand very high grew due to the economic recovery continuously recuperated, at the same time, head wave intensive occurred in all 3 regions, EVN still maintained to ensure the safe and continuous electricity supply for socio-economic development and the daily needs of the people, especially during the holiday period April 30 - May 1.

Specifically, the maximum capacity of April 27, 2024, reached 47,670 MW and daily electricity consumption on the highest day of April 26 2024 reached 993 million kWh.

Faced with this reality, EVN has flexibly operated power plants, including maximum mobilization of coal and gas thermal power plants, combined with increasing maximum transmission from the Central region to the North Region and mobilizing hydropower power plants suitable according to hydrological conditions, water flows to lakes to retain water to ensure electricity supply until the dry season end of 2024.

In April, the electricity output of the enter system reached 26.82 billion kWh, an increase of 14.1% over the same period in 2023, accumulated in the first 4 months of 2024, the entire system's electricity output reached 96.16 billion kWh, an increase of 12.4% over the same period in 2023. The output and mobilization ratio of various types of power plants throughout the system in 4 months were as follows:

- The hydropower output: 14.41 billion kWh, accounting for 15%.

- The coal thermal power output: 56.89 billion kWh, accounting for 59.2%.

- The gas turbines output: 8.52 billion kWh, accounting for 8.9%.

- The renewable energy output: 14.55 billion kWh, accounting for 15.1% (of which solar power reached 9.26 billion kWh, wind power reached 4.78 billion kWh).

- The imported electricity output: 1.56 billion kWh, accounting for 1.6%.

The electricity transmission output in April 2024 reached 22.5 billion kWh.

Accumulated in the first 4 months of 2024, transmitted electricity output reached 76.9 billion kWh, an increase of 13.52% over the same period in 2023.

Regarding construction investment, in April 2024, the EVN and its units made great efforts to implement investment in power plants and grid projects according to the yearly plan goals. EVN leaders have regularly inspected construction sites, urged construction progress, and provided materials and equipment for key power projects. In particular, circuit 3 of the 500 kV line project from Quang Trach to Pho Noi has completed foundation casting in 1005/1177 positions; The Ialy Hydropower Plant (Expansion Project) is sticking to the goal of generating 2 power units by the end of 2024...

In the first 4 months of 2024, EVN and its units have started construction on 34 projects and completed energizing and putting into operation 36 grid projects in April, some important projects such as 220 kV Pho Cao transformer station, and connected the second 220 kV transformer in Thai Thuy substation...

In addition, to proactively prepare many solutions for electricity supply in 2024, EVN has updated the calculation of the 2024 Electricity Supply and System Operation Plan and the Electricity Supply Plan for peak dry season months. (April, May, June, July) of 2024 and has been approved for adjustment by the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT).

Some tasks of EVN in May 2024:

Completed 110 kV to 500 kV.

It is forecast that in May 2024, the hot depression in the West will continue to be strongly active, so in the Northern region (provinces from Thanh Hoa to Phu Yen) there were many hot days and intense heat, in some places, especially harsh. The Central Highlands and Southern regions continue to experience many widespread hot days, with some places having intense heat, concentrated in the first 20 days of the month. The average temperature across the country is generally 1.5-2.5 degrees Celsius higher than the average for many years. Therefore, electricity demand will continue to increase, with average daily electricity consumption globally. The system is expected to be at 913.6 million kWh/day, an increase of 12.24% over the same period, the maximum capacity can be up to 49,000MW. The North alone can reach up to 24,500 MW. To be proactive in ensuring power supply for the national power system, especially in the Northern region during the peak months of the dry season in 2024, EVN has directed all units to strictly implement the instructions of the Government. Prime Minister, Ministry of Industry and Trade to ensure stable, safe and reliable operation of the electricity system. In there:

- Continue to properly mobilize power plants as hydropower plants operate flexibly according to incoming water with the goal of retaining water to ensure electricity supply until the end of the dry season. Closely monitor meteorological and hydrological developments, fuel situation, generator set availability and load growth to promptly update and adjust appropriate operating methods. Closely monitor meteorological and hydrological developments, fuel situation, generator set availability and load growth to promptly update and adjust appropriate operating methods.

- Power corporations and power companies weekly monitor the production and business situation, prepare electricity supply scenarios and continue to implement Directive No. 20 on propagandizing and implementing electricity savings.

- Power generation corporations and power plants continue to coordinate closely with PVN, Vinacomin, Northeast Coal Corporation and investors of other power plants to ensure sufficient fuel supply for electricity production according to system needs.

- The National Power Transmission Corporation and power corporations proactively detect, fix and prevent power grid incidents, improve reliability and reduce power losses; and Strengthen supervision and compliance with operational discipline.

Regarding construction investment, in May 2024, EVN continues to urge units to concentrate forces at construction sites, speeding up the construction progress of key power plants and grid projects.

In there:

- The Ialy hydropower plant (Expansion Project): Receiving and installing electromechanical and hydro-mechanical equipment in sync with the plant construction progress, ensuring the electricity generation target in 2024.

- The Quang Trach 1 Thermal Power Plant Project: Complete the 3rd phase technical design according to appraisal opinions to submit MOIT.

- Complete capital arrangement procedures for the expanded Tri An Hydropower project and Bac Ai Pump storage hydropower project to soon start construction.

- Concentrate all resources on constructing circuit 3 of the 500 kV line (from Quang Trach to Pho Noi), and continue to work with localities on land clearance work to hand over the remaining spans.

- Urgently complete power grid projects to increase electricity imports from Laos such as: Strive to complete energizing the 220kV Nam Sum - Nong Cong line project, energizing phase 1 of the Dak Ooc 220kV switching station.

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