RSS Feeds for Adjusting Vietnam National Power Development Planning | Tạp chí Năng lượng Việt Nam March 14, 2025 00:57
Vietnam Energy Forum

Adjusting Vietnam National Power Development Planning

 - The Prime Minister has just approved the adjustment project of Vietnam Power Development Planning in 2011 - 2020 period with an outlook up to 2030, for an aim to sufficiently supply domestic electricity demand and meet the socio-economic development objective of the country with an average GDP growth of about 7.0% per year in 2016-2030 period.

The main content of the adjustment project is:

To accelerate developing power sources from renewable energy (hydropower, wind power, solar power, biomass etc...) and gradually increase the proportion of power generation from renewable energy sources in total power generation mix.

To prioritize hydropower sources, especially the multipurpose (flood control, water supply, power generation) projects; consider to put the pump-storage hydropower plants into operation to improve operational effect of the national power system agreed with its development process.

The total capacity of hydropower projects (including small, medium and multipurpose) increases from nearly 17,000 MW at present to around 21,600 MW with a power generation rate about 29.5% of total generation mix by 2020, 24,600 MW (pump-storage hydropower - 1,200 MW) with - 20.5% by 2025 and 27,800 MW (pump-storage hydropower-2,400 MW) with - 15.5% by 2030.

To raise total capacity of wind power projects from 140 MW at present to 800 MW by 2020, 2,000 MW by 2025 and 6,000 MW by 2030.

To accelerate development of power sources from solar energy, including the concentrating stations on the ground and scattering sets on the building roofs: raising the total  capacity of the solar power projects from the current negligible level to about 850 MW, with a power generation rate about 0.5% of total generation mix by 2020, 4,000 MW with – 1.6% by 2025 and 12,000 MW with – 3.3% by 2030.

To develop thermal power plants (TPPs) with a reasonable rate, agreed with possibility to supply and distribute fuel sources. Exploiting at maximal level domestic coal sources for developing thermal power plants, prioritizing domestic coal for the thermal power plants in the North. The total capacity of TPPs will be about 26,000 MW with an annual generation about 131 billion kWh, accounted for about 49.3% of total generation mix, coal consumption about 63 million ton per year by 2020 and 45,800 MW with annual generation about 220 billion kWh, accounted for about 55%, coal consumption about 95 million ton per year  by 2025.  Because of domestic coal limitation, it is necessary to develop a number of TPPs using import coal in Duyen Hai, Long Phu, Song Hau, Long An… power centers.

To develop nuclear power plants (NPPs) to ensure stable power supply in the future as the domestic primary energy sources depletion. The target is to put the first NPP into operation by 2028 and reach the nuclear power capacity of 4,600 MW with about 32.5 billion kWh per year, accounted for 5.7% of total generation mix by 2030.

To overcome overload and bottle-neck of power transmission grids:

Step by step to develop and upgrade power transmission grids to satisfy technical and electricity qualitative standards as regulations and ensure N-1 reliability standard for the main grid equipment by 2020.

To overcome overload, bottle-neck and low voltage situation of power transmission grids, ensure electricity supply with advanced reliability for the load centers. To build the 500 kV grid for power transmission from the large power centers to the load centers, connection between the regional systems and exchange with neighboring countries.

To develop the 220 kV power grids with double circuit loop  structure, design transformer substations in areas of high load density with reasonable schemes for flexible operation. Studying to construct GIS, 220/22kV, underground, unmanned on line transformer substations in the load centers, Applying smart grid technologies in power transmission.

The total investment for development of power plants (excluding BOT project) and grids in 2016 - 2030 period is approximately VND 3,206,652 billion (equivalent to $148 billion).


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