RSS Feeds for Regulations on electricity services in Electricity of Vietnam | Tạp chí Năng lượng Việt Nam February 04, 2025 18:00
Vietnam Energy Forum

Regulations on electricity services in Electricity of Vietnam

 - The General Director of Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) has just issued Decision No. 353/QD-EVN dated March 17, 2021, on regulating electricity services in EVN Group (for short as Decision 353), effective from April 01, 2021.


Thus, Decision No. 505/QD-EVN dated 15/5/2017 of EVN General Director on regulating the electricity services applicable in EVN has expired.

According to Decision 353, the EVN electricity services include issues related with acceptance from, answer to customers; new electricity supply; the issues from the customers in electricity use process and the other issues.

The forms of receiving and answering electricity services include the customer care switchboard; online websites; public service portal, customer care application, zalo ...; direct contact at the room /location of customer transaction.

The forms of providing services include online and direct contact combining with online.

Specifically, with the online form, the customers use electricity services through the network (applying services, providing documents (electronic files), expenditure payment  (bank transfer, Internet / Mobile / SMS banking, e-wallet,…) and electronically confirm by digital certificate or OTP code).

With the form of direct contact combining with online, for the customers who have not enough condition for applying entire online, apply maximally steps with the online form in combining with the direct form.

Decision 353 also notes some information customers need to know:

1 / At a place, a household using electricity for daily life with a household registration book or a temporary residence book and an independent electricity system is allowed to sign a power purchase agreement (PPA) and to install an electricity meter 

2 / The information provided by the customer is an electronic copy (including a copy from a technology device, a photocopy) and is collated with the original or certified copy if required.

3 / Customers who buy electricity outside life with a short-term (less than 12 months) make a bank guarantee or deposit money with the value of 45 days' electricity bill or the number of days of electricity consumption (in case of electricity purchase less than one month) and a term equal to PPA term plus 15 working days.

4 / Customers who register or have an average electricity consumption from 1,000,000 kWh/month up, perform a bank guarantee or make a deposit in money with a value of no more than 15 days of electricity bill and with a term equal to PPA term plus 15 working days.

5 / Customers confirm electronic transactions with digital certificates in case customers are organizations or individuals with digital certificates, One Time Password (OTP) code for other customers.

6 / Transactors are responsible for supporting customers to use online electricity services.

7 / In case if customers need to get new high-voltage electricity supply, customers directly contact the Customer Care Center for detailed instructions.

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