RSS Feeds for Strengthening the staff of the Office of the  National Steering Committee for the Electricity Development | Tạp chí Năng lượng Việt Nam April 01, 2025 04:31
Vietnam Energy Forum

Strengthening the staff of the Office of the National Steering Committee for the Electricity Development

 - After the Prime Minister's decision on strengthening the National Steering Committee for the Electricity Development, (NSCED) The Minister of Industry and Trade Nguyen Hong Dien has just signed the Decision on appointing Mr. Phung Manh Ngoc - Deputy Chief of the Office of the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT) to hold the position of Secretariat of NSCED Office.

n August 17, 2021, Prime Minister (PM) Pham Minh Chinh assigned the Decision on strengthening the Office of NSCED that has a responsibility to help PM for directing the establishment and implementation of Power Development Planning (PDP) and the key power projects of the country. According to PM Decision, NSCED Office include 17 members as follow:

1. Mr. Le Van Thanh, Deputy Prime Minister – Chief of NSCED Office

2. Mr. Nguyen Hong Dien, MoIT Minister – Standing Deputy Chief of NSCED Office

3. Mr. Cao Xuan Thanh, the Assistant of the Former PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc – Deputy Chief of NSCED Office

4. Mr. Dang Hoang An, Deputy Minister of MoIT - Deputy Chief of NSCED Office

5. Mr. Le Quang Hung, Deputy Minister of Ministry of Construction - Deputy Chief of NSCED Office

6. Ho Sy Hung, Deputy Chairman of the Committee for State Capital in enterprises - Deputy Chief of NSCED Office

7. Mr. Nguyen Cao Luc, Deputy Head of Government Office – The Member of NSCED Office

8. Mr. Vo Thanh Thong, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Planning and Investment - The Member of NSCED Office

9. Mr. Ta Anh Tuan, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Finance - The Member of NSCED Office

10. Mr. Vo Tuan Nhan, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of the Natural Resources and Environment - The Member of NSCED Office

11. Mr. Nguyen Hoang Hiep, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development - The Member of NSCED Office

12. Mr. Pham Cong Tac, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology - The Member of NSCED Office

13. Mr. Dao Minh Tu, Deputy Governor of the State Bank - The Member of NSCED Office

14. Mr. Duong Quang Thanh, Chairman of EVN Member Council - The Member of NSCED Office

15. Mr. Hoang Quoc Vuong, Chairman of PVN Member Council - The Member of NSCED Office

16. Le Minh Chuan, Chairman of Vinacomin Member Council - The Member of NSCED Office

17. A Deputy Head of the Technological and Environmental Committee of the National Assembly - The Member of NSCED Office.

Depending on the actual situation, the Head of the Steering Committee may invite more leaders of a number of agencies (the Committees of the National Assembly, Ministries, Agencies, and Local Leaders) to participate as members of the Steering Committee or they invited to report the necessary issues.

The Steering Committee is responsible for directing, inspecting and supervising, and speeding up to establish, implement development investment for power plants and power grids approved by PM in National Power Development Planning/Plan, especially, for the key projects (that approved by PM in accordance with MoIT proposal) to ensure sufficient electricity supply for socio-economic development of the country.

NSCED Office also must direct, control, supervise and speed up: implementing the policies of the power purchase agreements with the foreign partners, of the renewable energy development; making construction investment for coal and LNG import infrastructures and negotiating activities on coal and LNG import for power projects.

NSCDE Office should direct the ministries, agencies, and People’s Committees of relevant provinces together with the investors, domestic and foreign consultants, contractors to implement their tasks for ensuring construction progress and project quality; and cooperate with agencies and localities to solve the difficulties and obstacles in compensation, migration, resettlement and site clearance for the power projects.


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