RSS Feeds for Many power grid projects are behind schedule due to the impact of Covid-19 pandemic | Tạp chí Năng lượng Việt Nam April 01, 2025 04:22
Vietnam Energy Forum

Many power grid projects are behind schedule due to the impact of Covid-19 pandemic

 - According to the National Steering Committee on Power Development, currently, Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) has a lot of power grid projects to be behind schedule due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.


The Covid 19 pandemic led to situation that the international partners delivered materials and equipment more slowly than planned in contracts and the foreign manufactures could not send their experts to supervise the installation at the construction sites.

The power projects of EVN are behind schedule as: 21 projects of EVN National Power Transmission Corporation (EVNNPT), including 12 projects of 220- 500kV power transmission lines and transformer substations and 9 projects of reconstructing transformer substations.  

As planned, there are 3 projects expected to be energized in quarter 1/2020, 6 projects energized in quarter 2/2020 and 2 projects energized in quarter 3/2020, but due to complicated development of Covid-19 pandemic, the completion time should be delayed.

And for the projects planned to be energized in the fourth quarter of 2020 and two projects must to be completed in 2021, at present EVNNPT is closely following development of Covid-19 pandemic to timely guide these projects so that the plan for energizing should not be  affected.

Besides, the key project as 500 kV Vung Ang – Doc Soi – Pleiku (the third transmission line) has been allowed by Prime Minister to be energized on 2020 December instead of 2020 June due to equipment delayed delivery.

Regarding the 110 kV power grid, there is a number of projects delayed due to Covid 19 pandemic including:  07 projects in EVN Hanoi Power Corp., 10 projects in EVN HoChiMinh City Power Corp., 04 projects in EVN Northern Power Corp., and some projects in EVN Southern Corp.

In order to minimize the effects of Covid 19 pandemic to the activities of production, business and construction investment, the corporations under EVN are actively finding solutions to control and cope with for maximally limit this pandemic impact on schedule progress of the transmission and distribution power grid projects.



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