RSS Feeds for The operation progress of many power plant projects in PDP is still unclear | Tạp chí Năng lượng Việt Nam April 01, 2025 04:17
Vietnam Energy Forum

The operation progress of many power plant projects in PDP is still unclear

 - According to the reliable update information, there are 13 power plants in Power Development Planning VII (adjusted) with a total capacity of 17,040 MW could not be put into operation in the 2026 – 2030 period due to a number of reasons as a capital lack, fuel transition, investor transition, project return or project site failure…

The rejected projects:

Quang Ninh coal thermal power project (CTPP- 1200 MW), Cam Pha 3 CTPP (440 MW) by project site failure.

Long Phu 2 CTPP (BOT- 1320 MW), India TATA Power Investor asked to return the project and the Prime Minister has approved.

Vung Ang 3 CTPP (BOT – 1200 MW) Samsung C&T investor asked to return the project and Prime Minister has approved.

The Ha Tinh Provincial People’s Committee asked to change to combined cycle gas turbines (CCGT) fired LNG.

Tan Phuoc 1&2 (2x1200 MW) and Long An 1 (1200 MW) and Lon An 2 (1600 MW) CTPPs invested by Electricity of Vietnam (EVN,) have been proposed to change fuel from coal to LNG.

Hai Phong 3 CTPP (1200 MW), invested by Vinacomin, has been not deployed so far. The fuel for this project is proposed to change LNG in Lach Tray district, Hai Phong city

The projects have been delayed until after 2030 or the ability for implementing them:

Long Phu 3 CTPP (3x660 MW) of Petrovietnam, transferred to the new BOT investor as Thailand Power Public Ltd. The project is implemented in the beginning period.

Hai Ha cogeneration CTPP (2100 MW) invested by Texhong company with IPP form for supplying electricity and stream to Hai Ha industrial park. The project has not been yet implemented and expects to be delayed to after 2030 or stopped.

Quynh Lap 1 (1200 MW) – For this project, Vinacomin still not yet mobilizes capital and so has not implemented. For Quynh Lap 2, at present, EVN is proposing to transfer it to Genco 1. Both these projects expect to be delayed up to after 2030.

Thus, at least, to 2030 there are over 10,500 MW of CTPPs that would be rejected and transferred to LNG CCGTs. The four CTPPs with a total capacity of maximally 6,500 MW should only be put into operation after 2030 or no longer developed.       


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