RSS Feeds for Adjusting, supplementing the development planning of the coal industry | Tạp chí Năng lượng Việt Nam April 01, 2025 04:07
Vietnam Energy Forum

Adjusting, supplementing the development planning of the coal industry

 - The Prime Minister (PM) has just approved the project “Adjusting the development planning of the coal industry in 2016 – 2020 period with outlook up to 2030” in which, the PM decided to adjust the list of some infrastructure projects; supplement the list and closed corner boundary coordinates of the projects for maintaining coal production.

The some concrete adjustments and supplements to 2020 are as follow:

Investing in new coal sorting plants as Vang Danh with capacity of 2.0 million ton/y; Khe Than 2.5 million ton/y; coal processing center and concentrate storage for Hon Gai area with capacity of about 5.0 million ton/y (newly building Module 1with 2.5 million ton/y in Ha Khanh ward and maintaining Nam Cau Trang plant to the end of 2018. After 2018 moving Nam Cau Trang plant to location of Module 1for installing the Module 2, capacity of 2.5 million ton/y); Khe Cham, capacity of 7.0 million ton/y and Lep My, capacity of 4.0 million ton/y.

Adjusting the list of Vang Danh, Nam Mau, Coc Sau, Deo Nai, Lo Tri, Mong Duong coal mining projects, and the corner boundary coordinates for exploring coal resources at Dong Trieu- Pha Lai (I, II, III, IV) and Nui Hong mines.

PM emphasized the target to build Vietnam coal sector to become a developed industry with the high competitiveness and advanced technological level in coal exploring, exploiting, processing and using to sufficiently supply coal for domestic demand, especially for electricity generation.


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